About Alexandra Heep

About Alexandra Heep: The internet has allowed allowed Alexandra to maintain a semblance of life when encountering an unexpected, lingering health crisis. The Internet is a lifeline which not only allows her to remain connected to friends, but also survive, via writing.While Alexandra Heep is her pen name, she does not hide behind it. Instead, she used it to brand herself on the Internet and to create opportunities.

Alexandra published her first book, a collection of her best poems, on July 11, 2012. You can buy it at Lulu.com

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A to Z Blogging Challenge 2018: D is for Die Sendung mit der Maus (Say What?)

(My theme for April's A to Z blogging challenge is postcards. If you want, read my intro post).

Gesundheit! Don't worry if you don't know how to pronounce this. Die Sendung mit der Maus is the name of a German TV program (mostly for kids, but adults watch it too). It literally translates to "the program with the mouse."

There's actually an interesting story behind it. When I browsed Postcrossing, one of the postcard exchange sites last fall, I saw a card of a cartoon program I had all forgotten about but watched as a kid in Germany. I could not remember the name of the show (this was over 40 years ago), so I Googled and found out it was called Die Sendung Mit Der Maus. So, I put that on my Postcrossing profile. I didn't really expect much, but it's funny how these things go.

Only a week later, this card (the one above) from Germany that depicts the main characters from the show showed up in my mailbox. The person must have drawn my address right after I put that on my profile and figured I would like the card. Correct! It's probably my favorite card I have received so far.

So, Postcrossing not only helps me connect, but it jogged loose a long-lost (pleasant) memory of a childhood I mostly try to block out. This postcard makes me smile every time I look at it. I received another in January (see below). Hurray to people who send thoughtful postcards and like to make others happy!


Bee Halton said...

I grew up in Germany and loved "The Sendung mit der Maus" too. Probably one of the reasons why I love learning languages. They said something in a different language at the beginning if the program and then said: This was... this or that language. It fascinated me. Thanks for sharing

Jz said...

I love to hang onto old postcards to relive memories... how perfect to get new ones that revive forgotten ones! (Well, ok, you sort of asked for one but you get what I mean, I'll bet!)

Happy A-Z'ing!

Pradeep Nair said...

Nice one. The mouse reminded me of the cartoon series, Tom and Jerry. :-)