Every April is National Poetry Writing Month. I have participated once before (writing one poem each day in April) and it was fun. Now, I have dabbled in poetry off and on for a few years. I have had a couple of them published in an anthology by an indie publisher (for charity), but keep getting rejected by online magazines.
I struggle really with the concept of what poetry is. Mine usually rhymes because that is what I learned in school eons ago. However, when I read material of renowned published current poets, it seems more like a bunch of run-on sentences to me (I guess it's called prose). Well, it's all subjective and who am I to criticize art?
I have tried writing like that, but got criticized that it does not follow true poetry form. When I submit stuff that follows form, I get the rejection speech "this does not fit what we are looking for." When I look at their published material, it's the stuff that I call run-on sentences. I have even submitted haiku to haiku journals, but just get rejected without explanation.
Anyway, that does not stop me from trying. So, this month I will probably be all over the place.
Here is my first one for April 1. Since it's April Fool's Day, I was going to make that my theme, but I already did that the previous year. So, I made one about winter since winter just won't leave this year in some areas of the U.S.A. We are supposed to get some more snow even on Friday, despite temps up to 70 degrees tomorrow. Nuts!
Winter Forest
A quiet patchwork of sparkling crystals
shimmering sunlight reflecting off a solid sea of white
a soft pristine blanket covers all that slumbers
sporadic tracks lead to safety
life at its stillest, deeply restful
crisp scent of cool oxygen
permeates all that breathes
long, bare branches reach towards sapphire sky
waiting patiently for renewal
About Alexandra Heep
About Alexandra Heep: The internet has allowed allowed Alexandra to maintain a semblance of life when encountering an unexpected, lingering health crisis. The Internet is a lifeline which not only allows her to remain connected to friends, but also survive, via writing.While Alexandra Heep is her pen name, she does not hide behind it. Instead, she used it to brand herself on the Internet and to create opportunities.
Alexandra published her first book, a collection of her best poems, on July 11, 2012. You can buy it at Lulu.com
Alexandra published her first book, a collection of her best poems, on July 11, 2012. You can buy it at Lulu.com
1 comment:
This is a lovely poem. Like you, I get somewhat confused when I see poetry written in the manner you describe as "run on sentences", and discover it has won awards. Sometimes I'm secretly thinking, "really"? I think some critics decide if it's long, it's good.
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