In the wake of an earthquake and a hurricane that left me without power, I have had too much time on my hands that was ticking away with my sanity and really put my thoughts into overdrive. Yes, just like the song goes, I was solving all the world’s problems, but not on a bar stool and minus the cold brew.
For one, I was worried about the nuclear reactors in North Anna right after the earthquake since they are roughly ten miles from the epicenter with my locale about 25 miles away – as the crow flies. In radiation terms the distance would be negligible. Yet, other than the fact they were pronounced “safe” and shut off by Dominion Virginia Power on the day of the earthquake I really did not hear much about the nuclear facility. Meanwhile visions of Japan hunted me. A few days later the local channel, WTVR, reported that the reactors were still shut down and that containers and material had shifted. If they are so safe, why are they down?
Also, while sitting in silence for 26 hours because I forgot to buy batteries for my radio, I was contemplating why we have made ourselves such slaves to electricity. Yes, I need it for work and I love TV and phones – for research for work and staying in touch with my family and friends who are scattered all over the globe.
But, electricity is dangerous, as has been reported endlessly, especially during severe weather outbreaks. I have often wondered why we are not working towards alternative energy sources, especially since we already know that nature will take out electricity easily enough. Hurricane Irene was only a category 1 when it got to Virginia and technically never landed (the eye did not touch) but according to Dominion Virginia Power over 75 percent of households in my (inland) city lost power.
What are we going to do when the locusts come?
I like your way of thinking Alex.
I really liked this post, Alex! Great job on it. Right on. You asked the right question. Were they prepared? Clearly not. Should they be looking at alternative, safer systems? You bet--and before something really serious happens, just like Japan.
Intersting food for thought...Your right.. there must be a better way. Hope someone finds it soon.
I lived 30 miles from Three Mile Island when one core went into meltdown in 1979. We lived a terrifying weekend wondering if we would have to be evacuated. It was the worst "almost disaster" in American history. I know exactly what you're talking about.
With a nuclear facility, it is not a matter of IF a huge mistake, a failure, or a disaster will occur, but when. Clean alternative energy is available now- why is North America catering to an elite nuclear industry? Three Mile Island is just one can bet there have been other close calls, accidents, leaks, etc. that never reach the ears of the public.
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