About Alexandra Heep

About Alexandra Heep: The internet has allowed allowed Alexandra to maintain a semblance of life when encountering an unexpected, lingering health crisis. The Internet is a lifeline which not only allows her to remain connected to friends, but also survive, via writing.While Alexandra Heep is her pen name, she does not hide behind it. Instead, she used it to brand herself on the Internet and to create opportunities.

Alexandra published her first book, a collection of her best poems, on July 11, 2012. You can buy it at Lulu.com

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

31 Days of ... Blogging?

Yes, I have decided to enter a 31-day blogging challenge. Is there any pay? No. Is there any glory? No. Well, except maybe for my friend and super-blogger, Glory Lennon, whom I roped into this as a fellow participant. Why then would I do this, especially since my blog does not even have 20 posts total, despite being established in, uhm, 2010? Well, for lack of a better reason, why not? The reason I have blogs in the first place is to keep my sanity because I have to follow client's wishes for paid work. This just means stepping it up a little.

Now, here is the interesting part: How does one go about coming up with a regular blogging theme? I have many interests, like music. I could blog about a song each day, but the problem is I have thousands I like. I could narrow it down to my favorite band, Uriah Heep, but my friends have been exposed to my Heep mania ad nauseum, and I would like to keep said friends. I like NASCAR, but already have a blog on that. Besides, some people (Diane, are you listening?) would rather deal with pest control than read about that.

I am actually counting on my cat, Princess Gracie, to help me out here. She is a local celebrity, you know. See, I, like many others, interact with a local TV station's Facebook page. Every day, they read some posts on the air. Well, after the East Coast earthquake hit, I posted about how Gracie attacked me, possibly because she sensed that an aftershock was coming, and that is one of the posts they read during a news broadcast, complete with visuals in the form of a screen shot of my post and mentioning my first name. The Princess engages in sensational behavior and I can write about it ... the perfect formula!

So, we'll just have to wait and see where this goes. Buckle up and come along for this ride ... or, as they say in NASCAR: "Pull dem der belts tight one more time!"


Angela Young said...

Can't wait - belt buckled:)

Alexandra Heep said...

LOL, thanks!

Glorygarden@msn.com said...

Keeping sane is the ultimate reason, which I share.

Diane said...

How did you know? Give me pokey little ants any day over NASCAR. :-)
Everyone needs pleasure every day. Do what makes you happy, and your friends will be happy too.

Olivia said...

I can hear ya engines Vroooooooooooom !!